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Don't forget these...
Hoya carnosa 'Krimson Princess' is one of our favourite variegated cultivars of the standard Waxplant. Its thick, lanceolate leaves are adorned with creamy yellow to white variegation in the leaf centres. The plant's vines and new leaves often emerge a bright pink.
Growing long, winding vines, this plant is eager to climb, but will happily cascade down the sides of the pot. Be sure not to cut these tendrils, leaves and flower clusters develop from these.
Light: Bright, indirect light is best for the optimal growth of the Hoya Carnosa Princess plant. Choose an indoor position near a window that will provide plenty of indirect bright sunlight. The plant cannot tolerate direct sunlight combined with high heat, as it will scorch the flowers and leaves.
Water: The Krimson Princess is semi-succulent, so it can survive with minimal watering. You should maintain slight moisture in the potting soil, but thee plant can tolerate short dry periods because the semi-succulent vines are good at storing moisture. So even if you forget to water the plant once or twice, it still has some moisture stored to survive.
Temperature/Humidity: Can thrive in both more humid and more dry environments, adjust potting medium as necessary. Indoor houseplant.
Soil/Potting: All Hoyas need to be potted in planters with drainage. These plants are very sensitive to too much water, so be sure to use a well draining soil with plenty of pumice and/or perlite. We suggest 1/3 peat, 1/3 perlite, and 1/3 orchid mix(bark, perlite, or charcoal). Good drainage and aeration are key! Hoyas don't mind being rootbound, it's said keeping your Hoya rootbound will accelerate blooming!
Care Tips: Prone to spider mites and mealy bugs dependent on environment and exposure. Never cut the long tendrils! Leaves and flower clusters develop from these.